Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes
Pat Rohan Finest Unique Road Bicycle 1980s - Steel Vintage Bikes

Pat Rohan 1980 年代最好的獨特公路自行車

Size: 61cm | BMS
ID: 8102817562891
含稅。 運費結帳時計算。
  • 全球特快专递
  • 庫存,準備出貨

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以其所有者 Pat Rohan 的名字命名,Rohan Cycles 是一家成功的自行車商店,位於倫敦東北部,也是當地自行車社區的溫床。但由於以羅漢的名義出售的鏡架非常好,他的名聲很快就傳遍了英國群島。如今,這些自行車或許不是最為大眾所熟知的,但卻受到自行車愛好者的高度讚揚。

我們在這裡向您展示的這輛自行車是另一回事,我們敢說它確實是獨一無二的。它是由框架建造大師 Ron Thomas 製作的,坦率地說,它是一件傑作。 雷諾531管材 製成的車架非常特別,很難在上面找到普通的東西。是的,油漆工作有簡單的天藍色,管子是圓形的,但這就是它的結束。幾乎所有東西都是定制的 ,從華麗的凸耳到光滑的叉冠,再到直接連接的車座固定螺栓到花絲勾爪,製造質量是首屈一指的。 走線隱藏在車架內部 ,特別有趣的是底部支架上方的隱藏機構,它允許變速電纜更順暢地移動,並且僅通過外部的兩個小螺絲即可指示。

還有基於頂級Shimano Dura-Ace AX套件 的設備,但同樣有很多零件是定制的或只是定制的。您應該檢查耳機或精確銑削的把立和座桿。不要忘記 Royce 花鼓!您可以獲得一些最好且昂貴的樞紐。



Used.   The bicycle is in good condition. The frame has no cracks, no dents and is not bent. The paintwork and decals are all original with some small signs of normal usage like tiny paint chips and scratches. All parts have been checked and are working fine. The bicycle went through a full checkup at Steel Vintage Bikes workshop! Parts were disassembled, cleaned and re-assembled again. The frame was checked for structural integrity. You can expect the bicycle in great riding condition and ready to go for your vintage bike ride.

Bicycle Size

Size (Center-Top)61.0 cm
Top Tube59.0 cm
Head Tube17.0 cm
Standover 85.0 cm


BrandPat Rohan
Rear DerailleurShimano Dura-Ace AX
Front DerailleurShimano Dura-Ace AX
ShiftersShimano Dura-Ace AX
BrakesShimano Dura-Ace AX
Brake LeversShimano 600 AX
HeadsetCampagnolo modified
CranksetShimano Dura-Ace AX; 170 mm; 52/42
Bottom BracketCampagnolo midified
SeatpostShimano Dura-Ace milled
SeatSelle San Marco Concor suede leather
HubsRoyce, custom made; 6-speed freewheel
RimsMavic G40; 700C clinchers
TiresTufo Comtura Duo; 622/25 clinchers NEW
StemCinelli 1R Record; 11 cm
StembarCinelli; 44 cm
Pedals Shimano Dura-Ace AX


Steel Vintage Bikes 我们使用 DHL Express 和 FedEx 等优质运输服务在全球范围内发货。


所有自行车均使用专用自行车箱运送。了解有关自行车包装过程的更多信息: 包装流程。




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自 2012 年以来一直是我们的忠实客户


SVB的质量和对细节的关注首屈一指! 一流的客户服务,非常包容和乐于助人。送货过程中出现了错误,SVB团队当天就有效地解决了问题。我被赠送了原来的产品,并收到了全新的产品,当天就发货了。可爱的产品和乐于助人的员工。5*


刚刚从 Steel Vintage 购买了第二辆古典自行车。 这是一辆物美价廉的自行车,而且他们提供的帮助再好不过了。他们出色的服务一如既往。


Geeky Eroica 酷。 我买的是 "老式 "意大利制造的自行车鞋。它们被及时送到,状况良好。正如我所希望的那样,这双鞋非常酷,而且组装得非常好(缝合得很好,不该粘的地方没有粘胶),轻便合脚!

Mark Reineck

Steel Vintage Bikes 是一家非常出色的公司。 他们对复古钢制自行车充满热情。在我看来,他们的价格非常公道,而且非常乐于与人打交道。他们的包装非常好,即使在新西兰送货也很方便。


新西兰 Steel Vintage Bikes 提供的整体服务始终是一流的。 送货和包装总是很及时,而且做得很好。Steel Vintage 的服务无可挑剔,多年来我一直是它的客户。我希望在不久的将来能去柏林,顺便在店里喝杯咖啡,逛逛自行车。


